Sitting alongside TDC’s very own Lauren Stewart on the board of Tron Theatre, Johnny Mcknight is a titan of Scottish theatre, TV and film. As writer and director of Tron’s acclaimed annual panto, he knows all about the pay offs of hard work, and embracing your individual creativity.


Photos by Kirsty Anderson

1.What do you make?

I’m freelance and I’m pretty adaptable to what I do but I’m still at my heart a theatre maker. I write, direct and perform. What type of work I make varies wildly, regularly I create pantomimes for Tron Theatre and Macrobert Arts Centre. But that’s started to expand, now I’m working on an opera, a new play for live streaming, the pilot episode of a reboot of Hamish Macbeth and a new musical. Basically I like to try and push myself out my comfort zone, its either a case of a short attention span, stupidity or naivety.

2.What’s the key to making it (i.e your success)?

Hard work. I used to think it was talent. I now realise there’s no such thing, its about studying what you’re doing, looking to see what everyone else is doing and then find a lane that you think you can do, something thats different enough to not feel derivative or overly well worn. I think curiosity helps too, wanting to see what would happen if… I also think you need to have drive. The idea of having ‘made it.’? I don’t think I’ll ever feel that, and that’s a good thing, if you felt like you’d made it, why would you want to do it again? (as I said short attention span)

3.What’s been your biggest challenge?

The blank page. Starting. Ooft, every time it just fills me with a sense of dread and fear and anxiety, actually choosing to start is an amazing feeling, like walking on fresh snow. But, yeah, the blank page will always be the writers worst enemy.

4.What’s the one thing you know now that you wish you’d known when you started out?

I wish I’d known that the work you do is connected to you, but not who you are. Failure is where you learn things and its where you usually get most growth and life lessons. Don’t take it personal, or that a failed show is a reflection of you. Also coffee - I was very late to the game to realise this is what will get you through the day.

5.What’s your favourite drink?

Espresso Martini or a Long Island Iced Tea, that’s the lockdown Friday night cocktail special. Vodka and ginger ale or Gin & Lemonade is the low key alternative. When pubs reopen it will be life mission to try ALL the drinks to see which one I like best. It’s been a long time.

The Drink Cabinet