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1. What do you make?

I made my own company! Back in 2017 I felt like I wanted to contribute something meaningful to the cocktail and spirits industry, so I founded The Mixing Class, which provides the trade with spirits education. It's really rewarding to be part of someone's professional growth. But, more than that, we dedicate a proportion of our time to diversity work through the application of education within those groups that are under-represented in the cocktail business. Most recently that has meant launching a huge education piece with Deano Moncrieffe as Equal Measures, helping support BAME participants through mentorship and a plethora of qualifications, to the tune of 120 candidates a year.

2. What’s the key to making it (i.e your success)?

Just doggedly believing in what we do and keeping on keeping on, really! When you have found something that makes you incredibly passionate about your work then go ahead and build it as you dream it – eventually it will come good.

3. What’s been your biggest challenge?

It's only been more recently that I've been able to add a colleague to The Mixing Class; before that it was a one-woman band. While things start out slow and steady, there's this challenging moment as a business owner where you are working way too hard, but hiring a person to be responsible for seems like a leap of faith! The few months just before I was able to make a hire nearly broke me!

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4. What’s the one thing you know now that you wish you’d known when you started out?

Sigh. Probably something really boring, like getting the accountancy system right for your business first time around! Having to re-do a whole year of accounts is a CHORE.

5. What’s your favourite drink?

Yeesh, this is a tough question. We've been having luxuriant vodka martinis with a splash of Capreolus raspberry eau-de-vie in at home lately. Junglebirds with Hampden are also a safe bet to please me though. Deeeelicious.

The Drink Cabinet