Hebe seen here on the left
easy social cocktail co. can.jpg

1. What do you make?

At easy social cocktail co. we make bottled and canned cocktails and hard seltzers, to make sharing drinks with friends fun, easy and hassle free! Drinks should add to your experience, not detract from it, which is why our cocktails involve the absolute minimum fuss.

2. What’s the key to making it (i.e your success)?

Really listening to the issues our customers have. There’s no point in us making a product that nobody wants. We use social media to stay close to our community, talk to them and quickly react to their needs. We’ve also split our business up, so that each person looks after a certain area. I look after the social media. That’s my jam, I know what I’m doing. I can completely focus on it, because I know my business partners are looking after the other areas.

3. What’s been your biggest challenge?

Tasting all the cocktails! (I’m joking of course, that part is always fun). The biggest challenge has probably been timings. We’re very quick on our side of things, but suppliers aren’t always working at the same pace as us. We can have an idea and have everything planned in a day, but then it takes 2-3 weeks for all the parts we need to arrive.

4. What’s the one thing you know now that you wish you’d known when you started out?

How to be patient. We have so many ideas at easy social cocktail co. and it’s hard not to launch them all at once. There’s something powerful in being very strategic with your timings and, even though you know you could release everything tomorrow, holding back and making a bigger impact.

5. What’s your favourite drink?

Has to be an easy social cocktail co. ‘takes two to mango’ margarita! It’s so delicious, and my go-to end of the working day drink.

The Drink Cabinet