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1.What do you make?

I make music! I am a composer and sound designer. Primarily, I compose music for commercials and branded content. I get commissioned to create bespoke music for advertising campaigns. I also work with bands and artists that I find interesting, collaborating with them in a writing and production capacity.

2.What’s the key to making it (i.e your success)?

Perseverance. Making sacrifices. Networking. Not letting anyone tell you that your aspirations are unattainable. Trusting your gut. Being open minded creatively and retaining humility - you don’t know everything. Compromising. Learning from other people. Not being a dick. Being sound. Hearing people out and adapting. Not letting your emotions or some conception of your artistic identity interfere with making a living - nobody gives a shit. Taking advantage of your skills and counting yourself lucky that you get paid to do something you love. Learning and developing.

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3.What’s been your biggest challenge?

Lack of stability. Being self employed in any industry brings many benefits - you are your own boss and you choose when you want to work. However, work is not guaranteed and can be sporadic (particularly in the creative arts). You have to prepare yourself for times of low income which is easier said than done. Cultivating, retaining and expanding your client base is just as important as what you are producing. That’s an ongoing challenge. It requires a lot of energy.

4.What’s the one thing you know now that you wish you’d known when you started out?

Knowing what you’re worth. I wish I had learned faster that you should never undervalue your work and your time. When i first started out, I had a tendency to undercharge for my work - following a misjudged principle that I was 'still paying my dues’ and I should feel grateful for getting any kind of compensation. This attitude not only means you earn less money but it also makes you look cheap or substandard to clients. I wish I’d had more confidence and wherewithal to charge a lot more than i did in the early stages of my career.

5.What’s your favourite drink?

Pina Colada!

Check out Callum’s work at

The Drink Cabinet